20 inches of snow...Happy Spring!
Wow, what a long weekend! If someone would have told me that we'd get so much snow this late in March, I would never believe them! But it happened, so tell me about your weekend. Did the snow ruin any of your plans, or were you just completely jubilant to get 2 1/2 more snow days this school year? What did you do to celebrate? (And how do you feel about school in June?)
WOW we have 20IN of snow in are small town. heres a helpfull hint, get your snow gear on and dress really warm. If you go outside you better watch out for snow banks.
well I hope you had a great snow days.
snow! snow! snow! It is crazy! But I like the snow. Do you like the snow? The snow let us get out of school for 2 days. When it was Monday I played in the snow and it was so fun. Did you play in the snow?
I loved the two snow days.They were fun. I went and walked in the snow and It was up to my Knees. Did you like the snow ? I did!!
My weekend was awsome. We got over 20 inches of snow. It was cold when I went outside the snow was burning my eyes and face because it was coming down so hard. When it was over I had fun on my ATV scooping snow. But mostly I stayed inside on my computer.
Hey guys! Long time, no see. I've been gone because of the blasted snow and i'm really happy to be back! You know what, i think i really liked the snow except the fact that i couldn't be at school to do the blogs earlier and maybe do one more. I had to go to my dads dealership and scoop snow and by back is literally dead. Accualy it's not but you get what i mean. well bye!
Yes the snow ruined my weekend because I was in the parade and my toes were num (not realy but it felt like it). I had to pass out candy it was cold. So did the snow ruin your weekend?
Snow, snow, snow, snow, snow! snw is good snow is bad. I loved the snow. the snow days gave us more time to do our homework. The snow was great i had it so packed together that it was warm! its hard to bealve it's Spring.
Yes the snow ruined my weekend because I was in the parade and my toes were num (not realy but it felt like it). I had to pass out candy it was cold. So did the snow ruin your weekend?
Kyle.L said
wow, what a lot of snow. But I hope it clears up soon beacause I like the warm wheather. What about you?
20 inches of snow. Did you like the snow this weekend? Did scoop and play in the snow? Well it is 50/50 for me. Brrrrrr! It was cool though not going to school on Monday and Tuesday. And we were lucky to have electricity. My parents tried to get out and do something because it is borring to sit down watch TV all day long? How many inches or feet did you have if you had snow? Hope you had a good weekend.
No,I celebrated the St. Patrick parade. It helped so I could spin my atv's tires on the ice and or the cement. I wanted to do A burnout on the shamrock but my dad wouldn't let me. I also injoyed the two extra days so it helped me complete L.A Rush. Well I'm signing off now.
Do you like about snow?, well I dont like anything. This week I got snowed in and couldnt even hardly open the door, but I still had no school.
It was bad, we all know that! At our house there was a drift in front of our dish. So that ment no T.V. We had to wait for the snowplows to plow the snow from our driveway. I wanted to go to the parade, walk around all day, and go to Husker Hoops. In other words my parents wanted to go to Atkinson, for my grandma's birthday! So I had a horable weekened hope yours was better than my weekened.
The snow was awesome. My family roasted marshmellows and had ten snow ball fight it was so fun the only thing was that there was no hotchocolate it got so cold out. The bad part was that we still had to do all of our chores like feeding cows and shoveling out the snow in front of the trailer that we used to feed the cows that was the worst but fun two snow days ever.
Is it actually spring? Wow what a way to start out I mean serisly this is so awesome! But do you know what I was sick during all of it I went outside for twenty min. and I got even more sick. So I had to take this horid cough medicine, that makes me drousy. So I had basicly the worst snow days ever but at least all my sisters were snowed in so that made it sort of fun. Well catch you later!!
Happy Snow days!!
Oh my gosh, 20 inches of snow!!! Is that a record? We had snow days on Monday and Tuesday.I bet everybody had a blast playing outside in the snow!! Well I did! But one thing I hate about snow is that it is cold and you have to wear all the warm clothes! Hey, look at it this way... you get to have creamy hot chocolate and don't have to go to school. There won't be any complaining about school because there is no school!! Shoveling and shoveling really wears a person out defenitlaly when there is tons and tons of snow!!! I hope you had a snowific time!!!!
WOW!!!!!! this is a lot of snow 20 inches of snow thats a lot. well this be fun. Get your snow gear on and lets go find a big hill to sled down. I wonder if you whent sleding i did it was awesome i hope you did!!!
hope you had some great snow days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that 20in. of snow was enough for me. I didn't even go to Omaha for scans because of the snow. Herray!!! At least we went to school today. I love school. Well only the teachers that arn't crabby and mad.
Got to go!!! Stephanie
i would definetely not like going to school in june. if i can make a suggestion that for those of us who dont want to waste our summer we could go to school on the weekends tnen our summer would be free of summer scholl that is real
THIS IS THE BEST!Two whole days of fun inside and out. I didn't expect such a long weekend. It was especially great to see my funny little dog act stupid. That was one great weekend!
Oh My Gosh, who would ever believe me if I told them that .O'Neill Nebraska got 20 inches of snow in March. From my part of view IT WAS AWESOME. I went sledding, 4-wheeler riding, and snowman making. There was so much snow that it was hard to walk in but do you hink that stopped me from playing in it? NO. I loved the snow and I hope you did to.
My snow day was a snowday alright!!! It wasn't really what I was expecting. But sure was a surprising to see snow in March. During my snow day I was snowed in until Tuesday March 21st. I stayed there with my mom, sister, and brother while my dad was snowed in in town on Monday March 20th. But above it all, it was very cool.
THIS IS THE BEST!Two whole days of fun inside and out. I didn't expect such a long weekend. It was especially great to see my funny little dog act stupid. That was one great weekend!
Well the snowdays were fun!!!!!! I sure had to go slending!!!! We had such an exciting time there... I went flipping off the slend into a huge pile of snow!!! Like everytime I would walk through the snow (or try to anyway) I would fall down, atleast once!! I had a blast running, well I couldn't run, but try to run through the snow!!! Some say 20 inches of snow, but I say more than that! Like we got a snow drift that touches our clothes line!! WOW!!!! Our dog, Ace, has to jump to get over the snow!! I mean half the difts are taller than him... And he's little more than two feet tall!!!! I had a great time with oni, my neighbor. We played truth or dare and I had to go outside, without a coat just boots and what I had on and roll in the snow on the trampoline 10 tims!! brrrrrr!!! It was cold! Well Mrs. Morrow said I had to finish up quick so I better bring my writing to an end! So to wrap it all up, snow days ROCK!!!!!!
THIS IS THE BEST!Two whole days of fun inside and out. I didn't expect such a long weekend. It was especially great to see my funny little dog act stupid. That was one great weekend!
GOWIN GOWIN not gone cool 20 in
get out the snow shuveL for the werkout of the cenry have fun
My dad came home with snow up to his knee's! That's a lot of snow, and I don't get to play in it. What is the point of a snow day if you don't get to play in the snow. I spent my snow days drinking and eating hot foods.
I am happy cause of the snow. One reason is cause of no school!!! Have you had any snow close to 20 inches? I have got to go. Bye.
My winter wonderland of a weekend was aewsome!!! My weekend of snow and fun was unbeileivibly sweeeeeet, if you know what i mean,(WINK WINK) 20 inches of snow!!! Can you beleive that?! My dad let my friends and i start up the 4-wheeler and rip around with our two sleds, in my opinion the disk sled was the best. Besides the having fun in the snow, which was Highschool gymrealy fun, I and a lot of my friends had a blast playing basketball, dogeball, and jailball inside the O'Neill Public Highschool Gym. i even had a ''COOK OFF'' which my awesome mom held in our house on Monday we made all different kinds of chocolate-chip cookies it was TAAAASTY. Those two snowdays had to have been some of the best ones in history!!!
Holy Molely!!!!!!!20 inches that has to be a record!!Maybe not but still it's pretty cool.I thought we would get more than that though.When we got that snow I went sledding with my friend Dani we both fell through snow drifts it was kind a creepy but fun.Teacher says we have to go now.But I hope we have more snow days!!!!
(P.S. Hope you had a good snow vacation type thing!)
Holy cow i cant believe of all of the snow.We had 20 inches of i think that is a new reacord.Well i got to go in the snow cya.
this weak end was da bomb! I had Tyler and Jerimy over.We played out side,played video games, and slept in.That was our sixth snow day and i bet we don,t have another one.Butt the most strangest is that we had about 20in. of snow.Well I had fun.
When I get home I im going to go snowbording!! First I need to make a smooth path to go down because there are lots of ice chunks in the road. Second there are lots of holes in the path. Thrid i need to find it!! It is coverd in two feet of snow! have a great time in the snow!
Ohhh man! O'Niell may have 20 inches but at my house we got about 27inch's and thats not even half of our drift's! Oh yhea I hate snow.
I loved the snowdays. I had alot of fun outside. The first day I was so snowed-in that I had to read. I acually finished a book though.
P.S. I don't want another snowday (they keep us longer in the summer).
I am in-between happy and sad. I like all the snow but I didn't like that my family was snowed in for the long weekend! I really like snow but don't want school in the Summer!! I had a great long weekend!
Wow! 20 inches of snow. Get your snow gear on. Go outside and play in the snow. Hope you had great snow days.
Snow. What's that? Thats what Nebraskans said BEFORE we had a snow storm.
Nebraska recived tons of snow. Durring the break I helpped my Dad, played in the snow, and stayed inside. School in June NO WAY I would HATE that. Well hopefully that doesn't happen
20 inches of snow, sledding down a hill, jumping off the top of a house into the snow, having a cook-off over a snow day ............priceless!!! Those snow days were awesome!! I went to a friends house and messed around,played jail ball at the high school, and played in the snow. But I still had the nerve to have a cook-off!!
I'm stuck!! We've had so much snow that some people couldn't even come out of thier houses.We didn't have school for 2 days. hope you had fun.
I HATE snow! because I get sick realy fast. I had to stay in side and lay in bed. It got realy boring inside. So I had a pretty boring time these snow day's.
Well during the 2 snow days we had I did many things. First I played in the very deep snow that we got. I had snow ball fights, dug snow forts. I also had my birthday! I had a few freinds over and had a fun Birthday. I hope you have a good time playing in the snow but you better hurry its melting adn fast. Well still have fun!
I exerised with my sister and made a tunnel by my dads garge.I played in the snow with my dogs.I love snow days their the best.
I hated it not because of the snow of corse, it's because my grandpa passed away. Then my Uncle Myron got a kidney stone my parents had to rush him to the hosiptail. But on the way they got stuck in a snowbank.There was major rubber burning then. Well got to go.
holy cow thats alot of snow they said we got 20 to 25 inches I loved it hope youved had a wonderfull weekand
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